Good evening

byf / dni

about me


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teenager billionare

Lyn my beloved ♡

byf / dni

byf: I join alot of giveaways so if you are annoyed by that please don’t follow
dni: you are a pedo, racist, rude person OR you are under 13 years old

about me

Name: Lyn
Pronouns: she/her or any
Age: 15
Games: I play roblox, genshin, TOT and minecraft


Adventure rank: 58
Uid: 817884155 asia
Main: HuTao, Diluc
Add me if you would like to be my friend!

Likes and dislikes

Likes: Ayin, Viv, Kaeya, cats, spicy food
Dislikes: Kaeya antis, rude people, sweet food